Well, let me tell ya, that ex of yours, the one sendin’ all them nasty texts? They ain’t worth a hill of beans, that’s for sure. Abusive text messages from ex, huh? Sounds like a whole lotta trouble.
First thing’s first, you gotta tell ’em to knock it off. Plain and simple. No sugar-coatin’ it. You say, “Listen here, you stop sendin’ me this junk, or I’m gonna…” Well, you figure out the “or I’m gonna” part. Maybe you block ’em, maybe you tell your brother, whatever works. But make it clear, you ain’t standin’ for it no more. You gotta set boundaries, like them fancy folks say. Means you draw a line in the dirt and say, “Don’t you cross that!”
And listen, don’t you go deletin’ them messages. Every single nasty word, you keep it. Why? ‘Cause you might need it later. For the law, you know? Document everything, they call it. Like keepin’ receipts, but for mean words. You write it down, print it out, stick it in a box. Whatever it takes. Just keep them bad words safe, just in case.
- Keep all the messages.
- Write down when they send ’em.
- Save screenshots if you can.
Now, if you can, don’t talk to ’em at all. Limit contact, I think they call it. No calls, no texts, no nothin’. It’s like cuttin’ weeds, you gotta get the root. And that root is them talkin’ to you. So, you cut it off. No more waterin’ that bad seed, you hear?
And if they send you an angry message, you don’t gotta jump to answer it, you understand? Sometimes, it’s best to just ignore them. Let them yell into the wind. They’re just tryin’ to get a rise out of you, like poking a stick at a beehive. Don’t let ’em sting ya.
Some folks, they just like to stir up trouble, even after you ain’t with them no more. Divorce or break-up, don’t matter. They think they own you or somethin’, expectin’ you to answer right away. Like they’re still the boss of ya. Well, they ain’t! You ain’t nobody’s dog, you hear? You don’t gotta fetch just cause they whistle.
This whole thing, it’s like dealing with a spoiled brat. They want what they want, when they want it. And if they don’t get it, they throw a fit. But you ain’t their mama, and you ain’t gotta clean up their mess no more.
You gotta take care of yourself, that’s the most important thing. Prioritize self-care, them fancy folks would say. Means you do what makes you happy. You go for a walk, you bake a pie, you visit with your friends. Don’t let them bad words take up space in your head.
And don’t be afraid to talk to someone about it. Seek support. Maybe it’s your sister, maybe it’s your neighbor, maybe it’s the preacher. Just get it off your chest. Don’t bottle it up, that ain’t healthy. Talking helps. Like lancing a boil, gotta get the bad stuff out.
You gotta be strong, you gotta stand up for yourself. Practice assertive communication, they call it. That just means sayin’ what you mean, and meanin’ what you say. No wishy-washy stuff. You say, “Stop it,” and you mean it. You say, “Leave me alone,” and you mean it. You ain’t askin’, you’re tellin’.
Building that strong heart of yours, that’s the key. Building emotional resilience, I heard someone say once. It means you get tough, like an old boot. Them words can’t hurt you if you don’t let ‘em. You’re stronger than you think. You just gotta remember that.
Dealing with them abusive texts, it ain’t easy. It’s like tryin’ to catch smoke with your bare hands. But you can do it. You just gotta be smart, be strong, and don’t let them get to you. You deserve better than that, you hear? You deserve peace and quiet, not a bunch of nasty words clutterin’ up your phone.
So, you remember what I told ya. Set them boundaries, keep them messages, don’t talk to ‘em if you don’t have to, take care of yourself, talk to someone, and stand up for yourself. And most of all, remember you’re strong, you’re worth more than them nasty words, and you gonna get through this.