Well, let me tell ya, do women like persistent men? It ain’t that simple, you see. It ain’t just about a man keepin’ on, keepin’ on like a dog with a bone. It’s more than that, a whole lot more.
First off, women ain’t all the same, ya know? Just like apples in a basket, some are sweet, some are tart, and some, well, some are just plain rotten. So, what one woman likes, another might not give a hoot about. But there’s some things that, well, most women kinda like, I reckon.
From what I’ve seen, women like a man who knows what he wants. Not wishy-washy, you know? Like a fella who can’t decide if he wants eggs or pancakes for breakfast. A persistent man, he’s got a goal in mind, and he’s gonna go for it. But, and this is a big but, he ain’t gotta be a pest about it. Nobody likes a fly buzzin’ around their head all day long.
Similarity and Familiarity, that’s what them smart folks call it. It means folks mostly like people who are kinda like themselves. You don’t gotta be twins, but you gotta have some things in common. Like if she loves to go to church and sing hymns, and you’d rather go fishin’, well, that might be a problem, see? So a persistent man, he figures this out. He sees what she likes, what she cares about, and he finds ways to connect on that. He don’t just keep pushin’ his own agenda.
- For instance, if she likes to cook, he might ask her for her best pie recipe.
- If she likes to dance, he might try and take her to a barn dance.
- If she likes to read, he might ask her what she’s readin’ and actually listen when she tells him.
But it ain’t all about shared hobbies neither. It’s about respect, see? A persistent man, he respects a woman’s boundaries. If she says no, he hears it. He don’t keep badgerin’ her and wearin’ her down. That ain’t persistent, that’s just plain rude. And nobody likes a rude fella.
Now, about this here attraction thing. Them scientists, they done did studies, you know? They say men like young-lookin’ women, symmetrical faces, full lips, you know the type. But women, they look for different things. They ain’t just lookin’ at a man’s face or his muscles. They’re looking at how he acts, how he treats people. They’re lookin’ at whether he’s kind, whether he’s got a good heart.
They say men gotta be the ones to start the flirtyin’, the ones takin’ the risk of gettin’ rejected. Well, maybe so. But a persistent man, he knows how to flirt without bein’ creepy or over the top. He pays attention, he listens, and he makes a woman feel special. He ain’t just whistlin’ at her like she’s some stray dog.
And listen here, some women, they like men who are already taken. Don’t ask me why, that’s just how it is. Maybe it’s the challenge or maybe they think if someone else wants him, he must be worth havin’. But that’s a whole other can of worms.
What women really want, it ain’t just chocolates and flowers, though them things are nice enough. It’s them little things, see? Like how he listens when she talks, how he remembers her birthday, how he helps her carry the groceries. A persistent man, he’s payin’ attention to them little things, and he’s showin’ her that he cares, not just with words, but with actions.
So, do women like persistent men? Yes and no. They like a man who’s persistent in the right ways. A man who’s respectful, who’s kind, who pays attention, and who genuinely cares. They don’t like a man who’s pushy, who’s disrespectful, and who won’t take no for an answer. It’s all about findin’ that balance, see? Bein’ persistent without bein’ a pest.
And one more thing, that testosterone stuff, the scientists say men with lots of it like feminine women. But what I say is, men and women, they’re just people. They want to be loved, they want to be respected, and they want to be with someone who makes them happy. That’s the long and short of it, I reckon.
Tags: [Dating Advice, Relationships, Attraction, Persistence, Men, Women, Love, Behavior, Commitment, Standards]