Well, let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this “Fifty Shades of Grey” thing. Folks been whisperin’ ’bout it, and I heard tell there’s somethin’ in there ’bout a… a tampon? Now, I ain’t no fancy city gal, but I know what a tampon is, ya hear? Used ’em myself back in the day, though we didn’t have all them fancy kinds they got now.
So, this fella, this Grey fella, he’s got some odd ideas, from what I hear. Apparently, he wants to, well, you know… be intimate… with that gal, Ana, even when she’s got her monthly visitor. Lord have mercy! Back in my day, that was a time for restin’, not for… for that. But I guess these young folks, they got different ways.
Now, they made a movie outta this book, and seems like folks were all worked up about whether they’d show this tampon business on the big screen. Can you imagine? Me and the girls down at the church group woulda fainted dead away! But I heard tell they didn’t put it in the movie after all. Probably for the best. Some things are just best left private, ya know?
This Dakota gal, the one playin’ Ana, she got paid a pretty penny for that first movie, even though she wasn’t a big star back then. $250,000, they say! That’s more money than I ever seen in my whole life! Imagine gettin’ paid all that just to pretend to be courtin’ with some fella, even if he is a bit…unusual.
- They say this Grey fella likes things a bit…rough.
- BDSM, they call it. Sounds painful if you ask me.
- And that tampon scene, well, it’s just one example of his… particular tastes.
From what I gather, this book, it’s all about… well, it’s about relations between a man and a woman, but it’s not like any love story I ever heard. It’s got whips and chains and all sorts of things that make me blush just thinkin’ about ’em. And this tampon thing, it’s just one part of it, a small part, but it seems to have gotten folks all riled up.
I heard the director lady, she said they never even talked about filmin’ that scene. Said it was too crude. Well, I reckon she’s right. Some things, like I said, are best left to the imagination. Or maybe just skipped over altogether.
But I tell ya, these young folks, they like their stories a bit spicy, don’t they? They read these books and watch these movies, and they get all kinds of ideas. Makes an old lady like me wonder what the world is comin’ to. Back in my day, a kiss on the cheek was somethin’ special. Now they got all these… gadgets and contraptions. And tampons bein’ used for… well, never you mind.
The book, it was a big deal, a real bestseller. But makin’ a movie out of it, that’s a whole different kettle of fish. They gotta change things, leave things out. And seems like this tampon scene was one of the things that got left on the cutting room floor, so to speak. Folks were either happy or disappointed, dependin’ on how they looked at it. Me? I was just relieved, to be honest.
This Jamie fella, he played the Grey fella in the movie. He’s a good lookin’ young man, but I tell ya, I wouldn’t want to be married to someone like that Grey fella. Too much drama, too much… strangeness. Give me a good, honest farmer any day. Someone who knows how to work the land and treat a woman right, not someone who’s into all that… fancy business.
So, that’s the story, as best as I can tell it. This “Fifty Shades of Grey” thing, it’s got a tampon scene in the book, but not in the movie. And it’s caused a whole lot of fuss, that’s for sure. But me, I’m just gonna stick to my crossword puzzles and my afternoon tea. Leave all that other stuff to the young folks. They got more energy for it than I do, that’s for certain.
Tags: [Fifty Shades of Grey, Tampon, Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Movie, Book, BDSM, Romance, Controversy]