Well, I’ve been hearin’ folks talkin’ ’bout this thing, you know, “can you go to hell for masterbation“. I ain’t no preacher or nothin’, just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two. Let me tell ya, the Bible, that big ol’ book, it don’t come right out and say “masturbation’s a sin.” Nope, it don’t use that word at all.
Some folks, they get all worked up, sayin’ it’s this and that, but the Bible, it’s kinda quiet on the whole thing. You read and read, and you won’t find the word “masturbation” nowhere. It’s like tryin’ to find a needle in a haystack, I tell ya.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ doin’ whatever you want is okay. The Bible does talk about keepin’ your thoughts pure and not lettin’ lust take over. You know, like when it says to run away from those lustful desires. It’s like seein’ a snake in the grass, you don’t go pokin’ it, you get yourself outta there fast!
- It’s like that verse, “Flee from sexual immorality”. It don’t say exactly what that means, but it sure sounds like you gotta be careful about what you let your mind dwell on.
- And then there’s talk about keepin’ your body holy. Now, I ain’t sure exactly how that all works, but it seems to me it means treatin’ yourself with respect, not just doin’ whatever feels good in the moment.
Some preachers, they like to say that since the Bible don’t say it’s okay, then it must be wrong. But that ain’t always true. Just ’cause the Bible don’t talk about somethin’ don’t mean it’s a ticket straight to hell. Life’s complicated, and sometimes the Bible just gives you the big picture, not all the little details.
I’ve heard some folks say that Jesus talked about pluckin’ out your eye if it causes you to sin. That’s pretty strong language, I tell ya. But I don’t think he was talkin’ ’bout this particular thing. He was talkin’ about gettin’ rid of anything that pulls you away from God, anything that makes you stumble.
So, can you go to hell for masturbation? Well, that’s between you and God, I reckon. The Bible don’t give a straight answer, so you gotta search your own heart. Are you lettin’ lust control you? Are you treatin’ your body with respect? Are you tryin’ to live a good life, the best you can?
The important thing is to have a good heart and try to follow God’s way, as best as you understand it. Nobody’s perfect, we all stumble and fall. But if you’re sincere and you’re tryin’, I don’t think God’s gonna throw you into hell for somethin’ the Bible don’t even mention by name.
Now, some folks, they twist the Bible to fit their own ideas. They’ll find a verse here and a verse there and try to make it say whatever they want. But you gotta be careful with that. The Bible’s a big book, and you gotta look at the whole thing, not just bits and pieces.
And don’t forget, God is also about forgiveness. If you mess up, you ask for forgiveness and try to do better next time. That’s what I always been taught, and it seems like a good way to live. Worryin’ yourself sick about every little thing ain’t gonna get you anywhere.
So, there you have it. That’s my two cents on this whole thing. I ain’t no scholar, just a plain old woman, but I’ve lived a long time and seen a lot. And what I’ve learned is that God cares more about your heart than anything else. So, keep your heart right, and don’t worry so much about the things the Bible don’t spell out. Just try to live a good life, and leave the rest to God. He’s the judge, not me, not you, and certainly not some preacher who likes to hear himself talk. He’s the one who decides where we go in the end, and I trust He’ll be fair.