Alright, so, I heard about this fella, Cole somethin’-or-other. Cole Claire, I think they said. Young fella, real young. Just 27, can you believe it? Folks sayin’ he’s dead. Yep, passed on. Gone.
Now, they’re sayin’ it wasn’t no bad business, no fightin’ or nothin’. Said nobody done him wrong. They just found him, is all. No foul play, they keep repeatin’ like a broken record. But it still makes ya wonder, don’t it? A young fella like that, just gone.
They found him in Kansas, or somethin’ like that. Seems he went missin’ first. His family, they were lookin’ for him, worried sick, I bet. Then, boom, the news comes. He was found in a wooded area, Lord have mercy. Must’ve been scary out there all alone.
- He was an actor, they tell me.
- Been on some TV show. 1923, somethin’ like that.
- Played a fella named Pete Plenty Clouds. Now ain’t that a name?
Born a long ways away, Texas I believe. In 1994. Just a baby then. And now… well, now he ain’t here no more. It’s a sad thing, real sad. Makes you think about your own young’uns, if you got ’em. Makes ya wanna hold ’em close.
This other Cole fella, Cole Brings Plenty, now that’s confusin’, ain’t it? Two Coles, both actors, both gone too soon. This one, they found him in Kansas too, after he went missin’. Same age, practically. 27, just like the other one. They sayin’ the same thing about him – no foul play. But it still makes your heart ache, don’t it? Two young lives, snuffed out like candles.
This Cole Brings Plenty, they say he was Lakota, had a Lakota name too – Wakiyan. Born in South Dakota, Eagle Butte they say. His folks, Joseph and Joni, must be heartbroken. Got a brother too, Joseph Jr. Imagine the pain they’re goin’ through. He was on that same show, 1923, playin’ a fella with a long name. Pete Plenty Clouds. Seems like a good boy, from what folks say.
They found him in April, just a few months ago. In a wooded area, just like the other one. Makes you wonder if somethin’ ain’t right out there in them woods. Makes you wanna tell your own grandbabies to stay outta the woods, stay close to home.
They sayin’ he was last seen in a white Ford Explorer, leavin’ Lawrence, Kansas. Then, nothin’. Just gone. Until they found him. It’s a mystery, even if they sayin’ there weren’t no trouble. A young fella don’t just disappear and then turn up gone like that. Somethin’ ain’t right, I tell ya.
It’s all just a darn shame, if you ask me. Two young fellas, both named Cole, both actors, both gone. And nobody seems to know why, really. Just “no foul play” this and “no foul play” that. Well, somethin’ happened, that’s for sure. And it ain’t right.
So, we just gotta pray for their families, I guess. Pray they find some peace. And maybe, just maybe, someday we’ll know what really happened to them two Coles. But ’til then, all we got is questions and a whole lotta sadness. And a reminder that life’s short, real short. So, you best make the most of it, while you still can.
Tags: [Cole Claire, Cole Brings Plenty, Death, Actor, 1923, Kansas, Texas, South Dakota, Missing, No Foul Play, Wakiyan, Obituary, Passing]