You know what they say about Friday the 13th? Lots of folks, they get all worked up. Say it’s a bad luck day. Hah! I heard it all my life. But you know what I think? I think them folks got it all wrong. They hear “Friday” and “13” and they think of that Jesus fella and that no-good Judas. That’s what them church folks always told us. Judas was the 13th one at the table, and he sold Jesus out for some coins. Then Jesus, he got nailed to that cross on a Friday. So Friday the 13th, it became the bad day.
But I say, hold your horses! There’s more to it than just that. This here day, it’s about the goddess, see? It’s a day for the womenfolk, a day for strong women. A day to be thankful for all we do, you know, for all the good stuff we bring into this world. Before all that Jesus stuff, this day, it was for the goddess. Now that’s something, ain’t it?
Some folks say if you got 13 letters in your name, you gonna have the devil’s luck. That’s just silly talk. And a baby born on Friday the 13th? They say that baby’s gonna be unlucky. Well, I’ve seen plenty of young’uns born on that day, and they’re just as good as any other. It’s just an old wives’ tale, that’s all.
- Friday the 13th is the goddess day, that’s what I believe.
- It’s a powerful day, a good day.
- You can make things happen on this day.
- Think good thoughts, do good things.
- It’s about bein’ a woman and bein’ proud of it.
See, way back when, folks used to worship the goddess on this day. They’d celebrate all the good things, like birthin’ babies, growin’ food, and just bein’ alive. It was a happy time, a time for celebratin’. That’s what Friday the 13th should be, a celebration. A day to be happy and thankful, just like those folks did long ago. A day to honor the women, the mothers, the grandmothers. They are the real power, ain’t they?
And this year, I heard somethin’ special is happenin’. They say there’s gonna be some kinda light show in the sky. Some kinda stars fallin’ from the sky. I think that’s the goddess winkin’ at us, tellin’ us she’s still there. It’s magic, that’s what it is. And Friday the 13th, it’s a magic day. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
I seen a lot of things in my time, a lot of Fridays that fell on the 13th. And I’ll tell ya, it ain’t no different than any other day. It’s what you make of it. You wanna be scared and hide under the covers? Go ahead. But me? I’m gonna celebrate. I’m gonna be thankful for all the good things in my life. And I’m gonna think about the goddess and all the strong women I know.
The number 13, it ain’t nothin’ but a number. It’s like any other number. It only got power if you give it power. You can’t put your fears on a number. It ain’t right. Same with Friday. Friday’s a good day. It’s the end of the work week, a day to rest. So why make it a bad day? Don’t make no sense.
- Don’t be scared of Friday the 13th.
- It’s a day to celebrate the goddess.
- It’s a day to be thankful.
- It’s a day to be happy.
- It’s a day for all us women.
So next time Friday the 13th rolls around, don’t you go hidin’ under the covers. You get out there and celebrate. Celebrate the goddess, celebrate life, celebrate bein’ a woman. And if you see them shootin’ stars in the sky, you make a wish. A good wish. Because that’s what this day is all about. Good things. Good wishes. And the power of women. Don’t you ever forget that. It’s the real meanin’ of Friday the 13th, the real goddess day.
This whole world, it runs on the backs of women. We birth the babies, we raise the young’uns, we keep the home fires burnin’. We work hard, and we love hard. And Friday the 13th, that’s our day. It’s a day to remember that we’re strong, that we’re powerful, that we’re important. It’s a day to celebrate the goddess in all of us. The divine feminine, they call it. Fancy words, but it just means we women, we got somethin’ special. And this is our day to shine.